Saturday, March 28, 2020

Join Pi Network with an initial investment cost of 0$

 Join Pi Network with an initial investment cost of  0$.

 This is also the last chance for ordinary people in the monetary circle.  Pi is not a normal project.  Pi Network was founded by a PhD team from Stanford University in the United States.

 The founder has won the Facebook Foundation award and is the best in designing application connecting people and machines.  Its various improvements are unprecedented in the monetary circle.  Only the invitation to keep 2 people based on existing social relationships, and two people without dependencies.  Each person has the same computing power of 0.1 Pi / hour.  And only when both parties exploit online together, the Pi reward will take effect.  Whenever a party is offline and not mined, the reward will be disabled, which means that both parties have reached a certain consensus to mine together.

 To enjoy the added value of shared computing power, this is symbiotic and prosperous.  This is the most powerful consensus that truly recognizes equality for all.  This is true consensus mining.
 During 10 years of the development of cryptocurrencies, many funds have faked Blockchain and have not had any such projects.  Even if any other official project only the superiors enjoy higher and superior benefits than subordinates.

 In Pi Network.  Everyone is fair, fair, equal and free.  What participates in advertising is voluntary, it is a high recognition of the value of the project!

I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 5 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (mr1math) as your invitation code.

Video | Japanese scientists have proven that the corona is airborne and gags are necessary

Japanese scientists have proven that the corona is airborne and gags are necessary

 It is important to wear masks because it eventually turns out that the covid19 coronavirus is transmitted through the air.  Japanese scientists used a sophisticated camera to capture airborne viruses.
 Their camera captures 0.1 micros (10,000 times to 1 millimeter small).

 Gags are obligatory wherever you may be in contact with others.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Building Pi’s Funding Model | Pi Network Core Team 🇺🇲

By the Pi Network Core Team 🇺🇲
Building Pi’s Funding Model :

In addition to the two main goals of Phase Two, one important supporting goal will be to achieve more sustainable funding for the project in order to accelerate development. This supporting goal is even more important now, given the volatility being caused by the coronavirus in the global financial markets.

As we embark on Phase Two, one natural question on people’s minds may be “When will we get to Phase 3?” (Mainnet). Two of the biggest variables that will determine how quickly the project can progress to the third and final phase are the financial and human resources that we have to get us there. The Core Team has been extremely lean over the first phase of the project. Today, we have a total full time staff of 8 on the Core Team supporting a community of over 4M Pioneers. That means that each core team member is supporting an average of 500K Pioneers!

While we’re proud of what we’ve been able to achieve with such limited resources, the lack of engineering horsepower has caused some of you to experience app outages, slower response time to bugs in the application, and restrictions in making certain features available to more Pioneers (such as phone verification outside of the U.S. and the U.K.) More sustainable funding will allow us to provide even more reliable and higher quality service to our growing global community.

Building and sustaining a project the scale of Pi Network is a costly endeavor. To give you a sense of cost, with Pi’s high amount of traffic maintaining our servers alone costs over $30,000 USD a month. The cost of just receiving text messages when Pioneers verify their phone numbers is already around $8,000 USD a month. The cost to send verification text messages internationally would have been about 10 times more. These costs would be significantly higher if we were providing the ideal level of service to the community and will grow higher as the number of Pioneers grows.

Given how important and sensitive this topic is, we want to build our plan for sustainably funding the project alongside the community. Over the last few weeks, we have started these discussions with the moderator community to get a sense of the best ways to help fund the project. So far, the easiest and least burdensome option appears to be in-app advertising, because they don’t cost money and they are pretty common on free apps.

While ads are a promising option, we would like the community’s feedback on ads as well as suggestions of how we could best implement them. With that said, ads may not even cover the cost of the servers, not to mention all of the other costs we incur while building Pi. So, we’d also like the community to submit ideas for additional avenues for funding the project. As you think of different options, please keep in mind the following guiding principles we would like to adhere to as we design Pi’s funding model:

Trust and integrity. Pi’s funding model should not compromise the trust and integrity of the project.
Equal access. Pi’s funding model should not compromise access for Pioneers with limited financial resources.
Transparency. Pi’s funding model should be transparent to the community.
Legality and compliance. Pi’s funding model should adhere as best possible to the relevant legal and regulatory regimes of our global community’s native countries.
As the community continues to grow and our focus expands to building value and decentralizing the network, the project will continue to require resources. We’d love to hear community suggestions on how we can more sustainably fund the project, given the guidelines provided above. We look forward to your ideas and feedback!

Monday, March 23, 2020

#pinote Pi Explained: What exactly are Nodes?

#pinote Pi Explained: What exactly are Nodes?

As a result of this week’s announcement, we now know more about the upcoming node software being released by the Pi Core Team.

In this article we break down how nodes work, what their purpose is, and the benefits you’ll get from running one on Pi Network.

#pinote What is a node?

Blockchains, the underlying infrastructure of cryptocurrencies consist of blocks of data, known simply as blocks.

These blocks contain information such as the sender and the recipient address, date and time, and other important information.

Nodes contain a complete record of all blocks created on the blockchain, and they work with each other to verify these blocks.

Those who host nodes are usually provided rewards in the form of block solving rewards, or transaction fees contained in the block.

Often you will also hear the term “decentralized” being thrown around in the crypto realm. Blockchains are perfect examples of decentralized systems as they can operate without a central authority.

Decentralised systems are important as they are not governed by one centralised entity, and can be continually improved.

#pinote Launch details & platforms

We discovered that nodes will unfortunately not be supported on mobile devices at this, though the software will be available to download on PC & Laptop devices on 31 March 2020.

Not all Pioneers will be able to host a node once the software becomes available. Instead there will be a selection process which will allow Pioneers to submit applications to express their interest.

All Pioneers that want to host a node will need to be KYC-verified. There will be more KYC slots available alongside the launch of the node software to enable more Pioneers to have the chance to host nodes.

#pinote Transactions

Once the testnet is live, the nodes will then utilise the trust graph data (generated from security circle) to facilitate transactions across the network.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others utilise proof of work which is an extremely resource intensive (and not very scalable) way to verify transactions on a blockchain.

Unlike these coins, Pi Network will utilise the Stellar Consensus Protocol which is a much more efficient process of verification.

#pinote Usability

Pi Core Team have stated the node software will be user-friendly, allowing Pioneers to switch their nodes on/off, access in-app chat, check their Pi balance, and more.

We’re personally looking forward to the launch, and we hope KYC can be extended to many more Pioneers over the coming weeks.

#pinote Will Coronavirus affect node launch?

We understand that the Pi Core Team have been practicing social distancing measures for some time, and the global pandemic has had little impact on the overall development of the project.

With that said, we hope all Pioneers stay safe through these challenging times. We hope to bring more articles over the coming days to try and keep those of you in quarantine entertained.

Happy mining Pioneers!

Pi is Free by Stanford PhDs

Pi is Free

 Mining starts immediately after successful registration. The amount of π mined is calculated using a mining rate multiply by the time elapsed since registration. Mining is paused  after 24 hours, and will resume only when a lightning button on the app's homepage is pressed to initiate another 24 hr session. This cycle is repeated ab infinite. The actual mining calculation is done at a central server in US. The phone is only used for check-in and to display your account status. It is not used for calculation at all, so it does not consume much power and does not require high performance. a simple smart phone with internet access is all you need.The basic rate is 0.2 π/hr. You can increase the rate by getting others to sign up as your down lines. They will constitue your mining team with you as the leader. The reward is increase of 0.01π/hr for every recruit in your team. Even mining alone can get you more than 1000 π, provided you are diligent and always on time in clicking the lightning button every 24 hours when it turns whitish.

Phase 2 has started on 14/3/20, and some pi apps will be developed and introduced in stages, such as e-commerce, mobile games etc, where π can be used to purchase goods or credits. This will build up the value of π and attract some international e-commerce platforms to accept π as payment. At the same time, π will also be promoted to regional businesses, local shops, etc.

 After the use of π as currency is well on track and established, we will enter Phase 3, when π can be freely traded among users, and one can instantly remit π at any time to anyone anywhere in the world, just on your mobile phone! and also exchange it with other crypto and fiat currencies.

After the pi economy is on track, it is not unthinkable for π to be worth 10 to 100 USD or even more !

The revolution to use less fiat notes and more digital currencies has arrived ! Get yourself ready by joining pi network NOW !

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Design of Pi Network Cryptocurrency π

Every design of Pi is meaningful. Pi is not only a symbol, but also deeply integrated in Pi Network
In the design mechanism, the algorithm, the calculation force;

There is a guess that the Pi may have been calculated on the supercomputer, and even now the project side may be using it in the background to calculate all the books and data, why this guess? Because what I said above plus internal rotation tested Pi Transfer, this coin has an infinite number of decimal places to let me have this guess;

Because the current ordinary computer can not complete the calculation of this level of accuracy and ensure the sufficient integrity of the ledger;
Possible pioneers also noted that on that day in 2019.3.14 Google the Pi was supercomputed to 31.4 trillion bits Things;

Google currently has supercomputing power and quantum computer power;

Adopt super calculation to design such a powerful block chain system, if yes, Pi is the only one;

The initial power of Pi is Pi, not just any finite number like 3.1415926;This determines that the COINS produced by this design mechanism are also infinite to the decimal point;The top of the app's home page shows 4 digits after the decimal point, and the transfer shows 5 digits after the decimal point, and these are
All the bits that are not shown are still in the official database, because it's not necessary to show them all, it's not necessary;

But when you go inside and you transfer money, you will find that no matter how small the transfer is, it can be divided indefinitely, while the smallest bitcoin has only eight digits, which is called 1 cong. Have you studied why? 

Monday, March 16, 2020

Microsoft launches a coronavirus tracker dashboard on Bing

As the world grapples with the continuous spread of coronavirus, more companies are making tools to keep people informed about the pandemic. Earlier today, Microsoft rolled out a new live dashboard to track the COVID-19 outbreak.
The company said it’s aggregating data for the dashboard from trusted sources like the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).00:03
The dashboard might look like plenty of other trackers out there, but I appreciate just how mobile-friendly it is. Other dashboards have been quite informative, but they are mostly meant for desktop — so it’s quite hard to track these updates on your phone.
Bing's coronavirus dashboard on desktop
Bing’s coronavirus dashboard on desktop
Plus, if you tap on a particular country, Microsoft’s dashboard shows localized information, including the latest news stories and videos. This is quite handy for when you want to know if the local government has issued new directives for public health and safety.
Microsoft Bing's coronavirus dashboard on mobile

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Let me analyze it with you Pi Network

Let me analyze it with you ~

If you stop production after reaching 10 million users, then 1pi = $ 100 is no problem. You must know that pi can no longer be mined after the production is stopped. At that time, everyone is not so willing to sell pi, so $ 100 is not a problem.

If 10 million users have not stopped production, but halved, then pi is doomed to be ambitious, want to become the king of circulation, become a digital dollar! If bitcoin is digital gold, digital dollars have not yet been born, and pi is likely to become digital dollars, even more circulating than US dollars.

So if pi is discontinued at 10 million users, it is destined that other currencies will exceed pi in the future. Do you hope so? Many people use bitcoin to compare pi, and I say there is no way to compare it, for example, how does gold compare to US dollars?

What does the epidemic let everyone see? The stock market has plummeted, digital currencies have also plummeted, and futures are no exception, but cash has become a safe haven. Why? Because everyone has to save their lives, only the largest cash can be used to buy food and food, pi must become the largest circulation, even larger than the US dollar, this is the mission of pi, pi's ambition, pi pattern!

The future pi, no borders, no race, universal worldwide, even if you go to any country, you can pay pi and become an international WeChat payment!

We like money because money can be exchanged for what we want, but if people all over the world participate in pi, you can also exchange pi for what you want. Do you still need to exchange pi for money for what you want? ? Or do you use money to buy pi to travel instead?

At present, the largest circulation is US dollars, but US dollars come from the United States, and where does pi come from? From us humans, anarchy, isn't this what our people want?

There will be heroes to save the people in the 2020 troubled world. Do we like the current coup? Not to mention Malaysia, other countries are also chaotic, this is a fact! pi is not a simple project, it is a revolution that everyone can participate in, and this revolution must let us all spread, let more people know that pi will become future money! When pi is successful, you will not want to sell pi. Remember that when everyone has it, you are not in a hurry to sell it, just like "money" now, and pi is "money" in the future.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

First transactions with Pi Network

First transactions with pilots transfer give #pi an average #value of 7$ !
With a #community of 4 million users and many in the world community , Pi Network is the #future of #cryptocurrency.
Don't miss it and #earnmoney for #free while you can
use  mr1math ' as referral code to increase your mining ⚒

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Pi Network π The best cryptocurrency for all people

    At Pi Network, we believe that ordinary people should have a bigger say and hold a larger share of the value they create in society.  We believe that the best way to achieve this is to build a decentralized currency and economy.

 Pi's decentralized currency will eventually be secured by a distributed global vanguard network, rather than being controlled by a single centralized entity.  Pi's global network will eventually manage itself, meaning that the community can shape how Pi evolves over time.

 When Pi is completely decentralized, Pioneer will also have complete sovereignty and control over its own cryptocurrency holdings.  Advances in decentralization have brought Pi closer to the stage where Pioneer companies were able to sell or exchange Pi without the need for centralized intervention, just like Bitcoin and Ethereum.  In other words, entering the second stage, the testnet stage, brings us closer to the Mainnet. At this time, Pi can freely trade with other currencies in addition to goods and services.

 Pioneers who want to help protect the Pi currency can choose to be a node.

 Nodes are the first roles in the Pi ecosystem, running on laptops and desktops, not mobile phones.  Similar to other blockchains, Pi Nodes will be responsible for verifying transactions on the distributed ledger, and by allowing all nodes to reach a "consensus" on the order of new transaction acquisitions, it will solve the challenge of maintaining a distributed currency record.
 Unlike nodes that use proof-of-work (such as Bitcoin or ZTE), Pi Node uses different consensus algorithms based on the Stellar consensus protocol, in which nodes form trusted groups (arbitration slices), and only agree with those  The transaction that the node agrees to.  Pi's mobile miners' security circles are aggregated into a global trust graph, enabling Pi nodes to form quorum slices to determine who can and cannot verify transactions on the shared ledger.
 Unlike other crypto projects, Pi Node will continue to adhere to a user-centric design philosophy.  Everyday people do not need the technical knowledge to set up a node, but can do it by installing a desktop application on their computer, just like any other computer application.  With this desktop application, Pioneer can be turned on / off, making its device available / unavailable for use as a node.
 By March 31, 2020, we will make the initial version of the Pi Node application available for download and installation.  The initial version of the node will include two interfaces: a node interface and a desktop Pi interface.  The desktop Pi interface will be similar to that of a mobile application and will allow users to check their Pi balance and chat with Pi on their personal computer.  However, the node interface can only be fully activated by the application and selected by the core team as members of the test network node.  Detailed requirements and selection processes will be announced with the release of the software.

 This node is the first step in building Pi Testnet, which will enable the core team to test the consensus algorithm and its scalability, calibrate the configuration, and adjust and improve the consensus algorithm.  Pioneers running this version of the node do not need to pay attention to such processes.  They just need to determine if their device is available / unavailable as a node in the Pi testnet (if they are selected as a node) is available / unavailable.

 The nodes of the Pi testnet will be launched and open for use before March 31, 2020.  In order to be selected to run certain versions of the node on Pi's Testnet, Pioneer must go through KYC.  More KYC slots will be opened to support node registration and testnet advancement.  Pi Node's more detailed selection criteria will be released as the software is launched.  But in general, the principle of node selection is the credibility in the network and the availability and reliability of the device. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Pi Phase 2 - Pi Apps Platform

Pi Phase 2 - Pi Apps Platform

Our first goal in Phase 2 is building value. As discussed in our strategy overview video, to build value, the network needs to create intrinsic utility for Pi by enabling people to spend pi to exchange for real value (versus other currencies which are only representations of real value) and products at scale, be it entertainment, social connections, influence, access, knowledge or buying and selling real goods and services for Pi.

To create a full-fledged ecosystem that mirrors the breadth and scale of traditional economies, it’s impossible to have all applications built by the core team alone. So our strategy is to decentralize the development of Pi’s ecosystem through the Pi apps platform. For example, if Pi marketplaces are necessary to facilitate and scale healthy Pi transactions, members of the community or third party developers can create Pi apps of different marketplaces that vary by region, language, and types of goods and services. While the Core Team can’t be experts in all varieties of apps, our global community and external parties can be.

Pi Core Team will focus on providing the platform to facilitate others who are more specialized in the specific domains to build those apps, such as e-commerce, logistics, supply chains, gaming, real estate or financial services. In addition to the platform, Pi Core Team will only develop a few key Pi apps that are closely tied to Pi’s vision and community building. Based on our initial research, Third-party developers of decentralized applications are very excited to tap into and contribute to Pi’s ecosystem through the platform, because Pi’s philosophy of user accessibility and the large active global community are a rare resource in the crypto space.

An Apps Platform will allow third-party developers to build applications that facilitate structured transactions using PI. The Apps Platform can include both apps that are built within Pi Network called Pi Apps as well as external applications that are able to integrate Pi into their payment options, called Pi Payments.

Pi Apps will be hosted within the Pi interfaces, for example, similar to facebook applications or WeChat mini-programs. Some categories of potential Pi Apps, that can be hosted within the Pi interface include:

Pi Financial Services Apps - Apps that allow Pioneers to access the emerging world of decentralized finance. We’ve already spoken to developers building apps to allow people to own fractional pieces of real estate as well as fractional shares in companies like Apple, Google, etc.

Pi Social Media - Apps that allow Pioneers to spend and earn Pi while engaging with high quality content. We’re especially interested in integrating Pi into Pi Network’s existing chats to curate higher-quality conversation.

Pi Marketplaces - Apps that allow Pioneers to exchange goods and services. Similar to Amazon and TaoBao for goods; and Upwork, AirBnB, and Uber for services.

Pi Games - Apps that allow Pioneers to spend Pi to play fun and engaging games similar to how gamers spend traditional currency in their games.

Pi Payments will allow external applications to integrate Pi into their payment options. Some Examples of Pi Payments include:

A QR code system that allows local retailers to accept payment in Pi

Your favorite local website creates a new “Pay with Pi” button

Someday, could also create a new “Pay with Pi” button on its website.

We will start with a focus on applications that are built directly on Pi Network - Pi Apps. Only when we construct a robust viable Pi ecosystem through Pi Apps, can we attract external traditional industries to integrate Pi Payments into their platforms.

We will work alongside the community to identify the most promising applications to be listed on the platform. To avoid a wild-west situation where unchecked individuals try to take advantage of fellow Pioneers, the selection of apps will involve community vetting and peer reviews to try to achieve relevance, quality and trustworthiness.

The development of the Apps platform will begin in the second quarter (Q2) of 2020. The application process for third-party developers is expected to open by the end of Q2 2020. The in-app transfer pilot proved the need for an apps platform that allows safe and efficient transactions using Pi and reduces abuses. The findings of the pilot mean that we will have to slow down enrollment into the in-app transfer pilot until more apps are added to the apps platform that scale transactions of real goods and services and we design safeguards needed to prevent further abuses.

While we will be slowing down enrollment in the in-app transfer pilot, we will expand KYC after Pi Day, as KYC will still be necessary to participate in other Pi programs. Being KYC’d will no longer automatically enable in-app transfers, but will increase Pioneers’ probability of being selected for the in-app transfer pilot later as more applications are added to the platform. Being KYC’d will also be required for eligibility to run certain versions of Nodes on Pi’s testnet . We’ll present an update on the node in our next video and why it’s important for Pi.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Pi Network Phase 2 Strategy Overview

Pi Phase 2 Strategy Overview:

Welcome to our video series on the next phase of development of the project. Due to the risk of coronavirus here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are currently shooting the video from separate locations. Our hearts go out to the Pioneers in our community that have had to deal with the virus. To those that have not yet encountered the virus, please stay safe!

The Core Team is excited to announce that Pi Network will launch Phase 2 of the project on Pi Day, 2020. Phase One began on Pi Day, 2019 with the goal of growing the network to 1M Pioneers. Less than a year after launch, we’ve far surpassed our goal, with over 3.5M engaged Pioneers globally. Now that we have built this large and diverse global community, we are ready to embark on our second phase of development.

Phase 2 of the project has two goals: 1) Building value and 2) Decentralizing the network.

Goal #1: The 1st goal of Phase 2 is to build value by creating an Applications platform.

Building value means setting up the necessary infrastructure to create intrinsic utility for Pi by enabling people to buy and sell real goods and services for Pi, at scale. Unlike most current crypto projects that primarily focus on technical infrastructure, Pi Network believes technological infrastructure and economic adoption and utility should be developed together and grow in parallel. The primary way we will achieve the goal of value building this year is by creating an Applications Platform that scales healthy transactions of Pi.
One of the biggest questions about cryptocurrencies is “What gives them value”? Pi’s answer is real intrinsic utility. Pi will be backed by useful online and offline applications as well as a basket of real goods and services. With over 3.5M engaged Pioneers in the network, we can now iterate various real world applications that enable members of the community as well as external parties to spend Pi to benefit from the time, attention, talents, resources, and services of our global community.
The application platform will allow third-party developers and providers not just the core team to build applications in different domains or specialized areas that facilitate structured transactions of Pi and create the Pi ecosystem together. Pi’s Application ecosystem will lay the foundation of a healthy market of strong utilities of Pi, creating demand for the currency and building the value of the network.
Goal #2: The 2nd goal of Phase 2 is to decentralize the network by building Pi’s Testnet.

Decentralization is a key facet of Pi’s philosophy. We fundamentally believe that everyday people should have a greater say and should be able to capture a greater share of the value they create in society. We believe that the best way to achieve this goal is by building a decentralized currency and economy.
Unlike centralized payment systems like PayPal and traditional banks, Pi’s transactions will eventually be validated by a decentralized network of computer nodes. During Phase 2, we will release the first version of this Node software and start building Pi’s Testnet. Our intent is to make the Pi Nodes people-friendly and accessible to everyone. No need to have computer science degrees to run a pi node.
While we are excited for this next phase of development, one of the most important challenges will be ensuring that we have resources needed to achieve these ambitious goals. Today, the Core Team consists of just 8 people serving a community of over 3.5M million Pioneers or over 400K Pioneers for every one Core Team member. The costs of servers and phone verification service alone now runs in excess of $30,000 a month. As we embark on phase 2 - the biggest variables that will determine how quickly we can make it to phase 3 are the financial and human resources available for the project.

We’ll be sharing more detail on our initial strategy for Phase 2 of the project over the next few days with one video about building value via the Apps Platform that scales Pi transactions, and another video about progressing in the decentralization

of the network by starting to build Pi’s testnet.

What do you think of our initial strategy for Phase 2 of the project? We welcome both video responses (just paste a link to a social media post) as well as text responses by joining the topic below. For video response, please upload your response on Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube using the hashtag #PiPhase2 and post a link to the video in this topic.

Core Team 🇺🇲 Video is inside the app..

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pi Network Marketing is going

Mine free crypto on your phone!
Keep your money! Pi is free. All you need is my Invitation Code: mr1math

1. Search on Google Play or App Store the 'Pi Network' App, Download and Install it on your smartphone.

2. Use your Facebook email (also number) and password to verify if you are real person and NOT a bot.
You can also use your contact number for verification.

3. Type your First Name and Last Name

4. Create your own Username or Code.

5. Use the invitation code: mr1math

#follow #pinetwork #minepi #goals #global #millionaire #hustle #success #instagood #winners #me #quotes #inspiration  #happy #business #cryptocurrency #mobile #gold #future #mining #motivation #makeithappen #world #shop #Mindset #coins #lifestyle #passion #2020goals #love

Pi Network By Stanford’s Team 🇺🇲

First thing it's free 💯%
Pi Network ►
Is one of the most popular and fastest growing cryptocurrency mining networks in the world.
As of January 2020, it has more than 3 million miners in 200 countries and the network is still in phase 1 of the project, phase 2 in 13.4.2020.
Pi Network Solves Bitcoin's Biggest Issues: Mining equipment is expensive and everyday people are finding it harder to acquire bitcoin .
Pi Network solves this problem by enabling users to mine Pi cryptocurrency on their own mobile phones .
As the network continues to grow, mining rates will halve as bitcoin does. With 10 million users, mining is likely to drop to zero!
Don't WAIT! Start earning! Invitation code: "mr1math". For a limited time, you can mine Pi for free, just as bitcoin was possible in its early days.
Once Pi network is in Phase 3 of the project and the cryptocurrency of Pi is already on the stock exchanges, you will have to buy it!
The Pi Network is created by PhDs from Stanford University and is built using the "Stellar Consensus Protocol".
Pi is scheduled to enter the stock market in 2021!

Pi Network挖矿这个项目

Pi Network挖矿这个项目,很多小伙伴不太重视。从我这边得到的信息来看,下载注册了的人,每天将近有40%的人是没有登陆激活挖矿的,今天就再唠叨唠叨下这个项目。
对这个项目不太重视的原因主要是大家都还不知道这个pi币到底值不值钱,Pi币怎么交易,值多少钱 ?目前活跃用户已突破350万人。业内人士预测价格一个币100到200美金不是问题,冲到1000美金也不是没有可能。那么就算按最低100美金(RM420) 一个算,每天产11个币,就是一个账号每天可以赚RM420×11=RM4620。
而且我要告诉大家的是,这个 Pi币和比特币一样,是真正的区块链,不是资金盘,不是传销币,不是空气币,不需要投资,完全免费挖币,人人都一样。
当然,我对上面的这个估值还是持保留意见,大家作为一个参考就行,只要知道Pi币非常有潜力就行!这个项目目前知道的人不是很多,大家一定要去操作,等以后大家都知道的时候,币会越来越难挖。这个pi币是完全免费的,退一万步来说,即使不是很值钱,毕竟是没投资,完全0风险!万一以后真的值大钱,我们就财富自由了!千万别嫌麻烦,一定要去操作!相信总比怀疑多一次机会,回望过去,我们错过很多的财富,都是因为四个字“不敢相信” !
0资金,0风险,每天只需要手指点一点,用几年的时间去创造你未来的财富自由,如果这你也做不到,朋友! 你不如放弃吧。

Pi Network the best cryptocurrency (Chinese)


关于在很多地方看到常常有人提到说,希望能赶快减产、担心PI币的数量太多,会导致价值上不去,其实量多导致价格崩,这句话本身没有错,这是基本的经济学概念,但这只是从单一的点去看问题,并没有综合所有因素去分析问题,就像股市一样,永远不是分析单一问题,就可以得到结果,我今天要跟大家探讨的就是有关PI币如果量越来越大了,价格会崩盘吗? 我的答案是不会,反而会让价格越来越高,那这不是不符合经济学原理吗? 不,完全符合,只是很多细节大家没有发现,没有把它加入分析的因素里,这也在PI的成长模型中就预设好了,所以我相信核心团队他们在创造PI币时,不是只有程式设计专长而已,他们对人类行为经济学有很深刻的专业认知,所以大家必须相信核心团队,不要进行道德绑架,去影响核心团队的决策。

首先,我先跟大家分析,有关迟迟不开通内转,以及限制用法币买卖,对于PI整体的影响有什么。PI的核心在设计PI的初衷就表明,要做一个最普及大众化的加密货币,并且避免像比特币一样大部分资源掌握在少数人手中,因为挖比特币需要的是强大且昂贵的硬体,所以最后就会变成,原本就有资源的人,更容易去累积矿币,并且造成一般人更难进入的壁垒,但是PI币的设计理念,就是要尽量去减少这种状况,让得到矿币的竞争更公平,虽然本身就有资源的人,一定多少还是占有优势,这是无法完全避免,但是也不会让手中完全没资源的人,完全没有机会,因为人人要获得更多的矿币,目前的途径就是不断的推广,不管你有没有钱,你要得到更多的矿币,就是推广更多人,目前第一阶段没办法让你一下子买一堆矿机帮你挖进大量大量的矿,人人可以说是在一个”比较”接近平等的立足点上,当然比较有钱还是有优势在推广上,但是没钱也不会是就无法推广了,还是有很多办法。那假设今天一开始就开放内转会发生什么事? 原本有钱的人他如果想利用他的资源,去获得更多的矿币,他就必须把钱花在如何推广,让更多人知道,让更多人使用加入,如果一开始开放内转,这些手上有资源的人,就不需要那么麻烦,直接一开始就在市场割韭菜就可以,原本这些资源可以放在推广人数上,但是如果一开始就内转,这些资源只会用在收购PI币上,就会减少PI的规模壮大的机会,当然这只是其中一个原因,还有更多的因素是核心团队考量的,这样只会对PI造成不健康的发展。可以看出PI设计的模式,有一个很重要的概念,要在最短期间达到最庞大的使用者人数。



假设现在有 100人挖矿,每人每小时速率是0.25 PI ,一天24小时

这100人每天的产量就是 100 * 0.25 * 24 = 600

到达1000人挖矿,每人每小时速率是0.125 PI ,一天24小时

这1000人每天的产量就是 1000 * 0.125 * 24 = 3000

到达10000人挖矿,每人每小时速率是0.0625 PI ,一天24小时

这10000人每天的产量就是10000 * 0.0625 * 24 = 15000


100矿工 -> 1000使用者

1000矿工 -> 10000使用者

10000矿工 -> 100000使用者


100矿工 ---  1000使用者 / PI币量 600 = 1.66

1000矿工 --- 10000使用者 / PI币量 3000 = 3.33

10000矿工 --- 100000使用者 / PI币量 15000 = 6.66





2019.6.17 5万人

2019.7.19 15万人

2019.9.5 32.5万人

2019.9.24 45万人

2019.10.31 100万人

2020.1.17 250万人

2020.2.9 300万人

2020.2.25 350万人


5万人 -> 15万人 32天

15万人 -> 45万人 67天

100万人 -> 300万人 101天


5万 -> 15万 增加10万人 成长为原本300% 32天

15万  -> 32.5万  增加17.5万人 成长为原本216% 48天

32.5万 -> 45万 增加 12.5万人 成长为原本138% 19天

45万  -> 100万 增加 55万人  成长为原本222% 37天

100万 -> 250万 增加 150万人 成长为原本250% 78天

250万 -> 300万 增加 50万人  成长为原本120% 23天

300万 -> 350万 增加 50万人  成长为原本116% 16天





Pi Network in Chinese


2019年11月30日 100万名矿工
2020年10月30日 1000万名矿工





CoinMarketCap 数据显示,截至 2019 年 11 月 22 日 12:00,全球数字货币市场币种共计 2358 种。总市值共计约为 2084 亿美元。

如果Pi派币在达1000万人后就停产推出,很有可能会是黑马,但很多人都认为包括PiNetwork的创造者矿工应该达一亿人才停产上市,相信那是Pi币更有机会成为数字货币的王者,所以我们不要急着,耐心等待继续挖pi矿吧, 等多2,3 年,肯定会是其中一个Pi币的成功拥有者。👍💪💪

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Reports that Saudi king Salman has died

 Reports that Saudi king Salman has died, which coincides with the arrest of senior members of the royal family at the hands of Mohamed Bin Salman.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia has detained one of the most senior members of the royal family, a former crown prince and a royal cousin for unexplained reasons, a relative and a person close to the royal family said Friday.

1 Pi π = 126.7 $ this is the #future

Just In A Pioneer bought $12.67 worth of children's clothing for 0.1 Pi from another Pioneer.  The Pi Conversion is $126.70/Pi. 

How can that be?  Its simple, Pi's value comes from Pioneers who value Pi.  The transaction doesn't happen unless both Pioneers agree to the rate.

Friday, March 6, 2020

New update from the Core Team 🇺🇲 phase 2

Pi Phase 2 Strategy Overview
Welcome to our video series on the next phase of development of the project. Due to the risk of coronavirus here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are currently shooting the video from separate locations. Our hearts go out to the Pioneers in our community that have had to deal with the virus. To those that have not yet encountered the virus, please stay safe!
The Core Team is excited to announce that Pi Network will launch Phase 2 of the project on Pi Day, 2020. Phase One began on Pi Day, 2019 with the goal of growing the network to 1M Pioneers. Less than a year after launch, we’ve far surpassed our goal, with over 3.5M engaged Pioneers globally. Now that we have built this large and diverse global community, we are ready to embark on our second phase of development.
Phase 2 of the project has two goals: 1) Building value and 2) Decentralizing the network.
Goal #1: The 1st goal of Phase 2 is to build value by creating an Applications platform.
Building value means setting up the necessary infrastructure to create intrinsic utility for Pi by enabling people to buy and sell real goods and services for Pi, at scale. Unlike most current crypto projects that primarily focus on technical infrastructure, Pi Network believes technological infrastructure and economic adoption and utility should be developed together and grow in parallel. The primary way we will achieve the goal of value building this year is by creating an Applications Platform that scales healthy transactions of Pi.
One of the biggest questions about cryptocurrencies is “What gives them value”? Pi’s answer is real intrinsic utility. Pi will be backed by useful online and offline applications as well as a basket of real goods and services. With over 3.5M engaged Pioneers in the network, we can now iterate various real world applications that enable members of the community as well as external parties to spend Pi to benefit from the time, attention, talents, resources, and services of our global community.
The application platform will allow third-party developers and providers not just the core team to build applications in different domains or specialized areas that facilitate structured transactions of Pi and create the Pi ecosystem together. Pi’s Application ecosystem will lay the foundation of a healthy market of strong utilities of Pi, creating demand for the currency and building the value of the network.
Goal #2: The 2nd goal of Phase 2 is to decentralize the network by building Pi’s Testnet.
Decentralization is a key facet of Pi’s philosophy. We fundamentally believe that everyday people should have a greater say and should be able to capture a greater share of the value they create in society. We believe that the best way to achieve this goal is by building a decentralized currency and economy.
Unlike centralized payment systems like PayPal and traditional banks, Pi’s transactions will eventually be validated by a decentralized network of computer nodes. During Phase 2, we will release the first version of this Node software and start building Pi’s Testnet. Our intent is to make the Pi Nodes people-friendly and accessible to everyone. No need to have computer science degrees to run a pi node.
While we are excited for this next phase of development, one of the most important challenges will be ensuring that we have resources needed to achieve these ambitious goals. Today, the Core Team consists of just 8 people serving a community of over 3.5M million Pioneers or over 400K Pioneers for every one Core Team member. The costs of servers and phone verification service alone now runs in excess of $30,000 a month. As we embark on phase 2 - the biggest variables that will determine how quickly we can make it to phase 3 are the financial and human resources available for the project.
We’ll be sharing more detail on our initial strategy for Phase 2 of the project over the next few days with one video about building value via the Apps Platform that scales Pi transactions, and another video about progressing in the decentralization of the network by starting to build Pi’s testnet.
What do you think of our initial strategy for Phase 2 of the project? We welcome both video responses (just paste a link to a social media post) as well as text responses by joining the topic below. For video response, please upload your response on Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube using the hashtag #PiPhase2 and post a link to the video in this topic.

The video is inside the app.